There are a lot of myths surrounding root canals but having one performed can often ensure you’ll have healthy teeth for life. At Westside, we realize that having an endodontic (root canal) procedure can be daunting but your comfort and treatment is our highest priority. We strive to perform exceptional clinical work in an environment that is warm and inviting to minimize your concerns. We will clearly explain your treatment options and costs prior to any treatment. Then during your treatment appointment, we will make sure your tooth is fully “asleep” before we begin. After all, we want the treatment that saves your tooth to be a positive experience as it makes the appointment more productive and happy for you and us.
"Westside did major surgery to fix one of my previous root canals - and it was perfect! I can now eat again with that area of my teeth. Thank You!"

I was really pleased that I could get an appointment quickly, everything went well too. The staff were very caring and gave me the information on the procedure, so I knew what to expect. I was on crutches and the staff were also very good to me. I thought the clinic was extremely
- Louise Biederstadt

Every treatment conducted at our office is individualized for every patient. Since we use 3D radiographs for more challenging teeth, we can provide more detailed information about the anatomy and conditions that may exist inside the tooth. Some of these conditions may include: complex canal anatomy, pulp calcifications (which can obstruct the canal) and fracture lines to name a few. Once we’ve spent some time observing the inner tooth via detailed 3D imagery we will have a better idea of the types of treatments that will work best for you.

Oftentimes in life the more you know about something the less fear you’ll have. This theory definitely applies to having a root canal or treatment performed here at Westside. When it comes to preparing you for having a procedure at our clinic, our goal is to equip you with all the info you’ll need to take away any surprises that could lead you to more worry than is necessary.
What exactly is a root canal and how long is the procedure?
Root canals are recommended to clean, shape, and fill the root canal space to eliminate infection or prevent an infection from developing in your teeth.
Teeth that are being root canal treated for the first time will usually be completed in one appointment of 1.5 hours or less. Teeth that are being retreated or have complications will typically require two appointments.
Here’s what you can expect following Root Canal Treatment:
Open & Drain Procedure: This is an initial type of treatment used to reduce pressure created by the infection and to relieve pain. You may be prescribed antibiotics if there is facial swelling noted.
Root Canal Treatment: removal of the nerve and cleaning of the canals occurs during this appointment.
If there is a significant infection (canals continue to be moist and cannot be dried) or the tooth is symptomatic (extremely painful) a decision may be made to medicate the canals and to finish the root canal procedure at a 2nd treatment appointment. An antibiotic and/or pain medication may be prescribed.
When the tooth is no longer painful and the canals can be dried, we will finish the root canal procedure by filling the canals with a rubber material. Then a temporary filling will be placed.
Referral back to your dentist: for placement of the final filling and possibly a crown.
How to treat discomfort:
It’s normal to experience slight discomfort after an Open & Drain procedure or after Root Canal treatment has been initiated. We recommend 400mg of Advil every 4-6 hours as needed. If you experience any Flare-Ups please call us immediately so that the Doctor may speak with you to determine if additional medication is necessary.
Helpful tips to help yourself after surgery
- Do not lift or pull the lip to examine the surgical area, as it may disrupt the surgical area and delay healing.
Following Surgery the affected area will generally bleed lightly for the next 24 hours. When mixed with saliva, it may seem like more than expected oozing. Extra gauze will be provided should the bleeding continue or not seem “light”. If the bleeding continues to be profuse (bright red in colour) please call us as soon as possible.
Please finish all prescribed medications as per your dentist’s instruction.
Some swelling and/or bruising is to be expected. To minimize swelling, apply an ICE PACK to the affected area for 4-6 hrs with gentle pressure following surgery (15 minutes on, then 15 minutes off, etc.). Do not use an ice pack beyond 6 hours.
Adequate nutrition following surgery is important for healing, including such foods as scrambled eggs, yogurt, pudding, ensure/boost or protein shakes (without straw).
To reduce the risk of post-surgery complications:
Please fill out this form online to send us your patient’s information.
Eat only foods lukewarm in temperature (not hot) and refrain from eating citrus and foods that are spicy, full of small seeds, crunchy or carbonated in nature, as they may irritate the area.
DO NOT DRINK THROUGH A STRAW OR SMOKE (for the next 24 hrs.) as the suction will affect healing of the surgical area.
DO NOT BRUSH, FLOSS, RINSE or SWISH with water for 24 hrs following surgery. After 24 hours rinse with prescribed Chlorhexidine rinse or warm salt water (1/2 tsp salt in 1c warm water), especially after meals to keep the area free of debris and to help with healing.
After 24 hours resume normal brushing, gently brushing in the surgical area.
Pain Management Schedule
To manage discomfort and swelling a combination of Tylenol (Acetaminophen) for pain & Advil (Ibuprofen) for inflammation works very well.
The following schedule of Tylenol & Advil is recommended every two hours after your surgery:
650 to 1000 mg of Tylenol
400 to 800 mg of Advil
650 to 1000 mg of Tylenol
400 to 800 mg of Advil
Continue this cycle until your pain subsides, however, it’s important to note that in a 24 hour period, you MUST NOT EXCEED 4000mg of Tylenol and you MUST NOT EXCEED 3200 mg of Advil.
Any unusual symptoms such as excessive bleeding, swelling, or elevated temperature should be reported immediately to our office or to doctor (after hours). We also recommend that you write our phone number down and have it near you for a minimum of 48 hours following your procedure:
If you need to contact Dr. Davis: C: 403 370 4414
or Dr. Vessal: C:403-966-1351

Complete endodontic exams:
Orthograde Endodontic Treatments:
Range from $1138 - $2211 depending upon the complexity of the canal, the number of canals in the tooth (some can have many canals, etc.).
Exploratory Surgery:
$450 - 695 depending on the complexity
Retrograde Endodontic Treatments (surgery):
$1025 - $2350 depending on the number of roots treated and includes
the cost of the retro fillings (filling placed on each root to seal the canal).
Please note that the treatment fees shown are estimates only. It’s our intention to give you a general idea of the cost for treatment and the final costs may differ depending on your individual needs. In our initial examination, we will assess your tooth and give you an actual estimate based on specific treatments for your situation. You will be given treatment options to consider and discuss with family members and/or friends prior to booking treatment.